Delete Account Telegram :If you don’t want Telegram anymore or even if you need to build a new Telegram account, you should first remove your previous account. In this article we are going to talk about the telegram account removal . Deleting of a telegram account is very simple, just follow our texts here step by step.

First Step 

Log in to Telegram Website:

The Telegram Delete Account is not available via mobile app and should be done through the official Telegram website in this link

how to delete telegram account
how to delete telegram account

According to the picture you must enter your number in yellow area

Be sure to enter your phone number as shown in the yellow box above, without the zero and country code in the first number. Then click on the Next button.

Step Two :

Receive the password for removing your account 

At this step, a message containing the telegram account removal code will be sent to you in the telegram chat.

Telegram Account
Telegram Account

Make sure you enter this password exactly as it was sent to you on the telegram website (with lower case uppercase letters). You can copy it simply

Now you should paste this code in the field of “Confirmation Code” and sign in 

Remove Telegram Account
Remove Telegram Account

Step 3 :

Why you are removing Telegram Account?

At this step, Telegram will ask you why you want to remove your account. Of course you have no obligation to answer this question. Finally, after answering this section, click on the word “done” to enter the next step.

Telegram Account
Telegram Account

Final Step :

Final Confirmation 

As the Telegram concerns that if you are doubted during this automation, it will ask you once again for the last time whether you are sure of deleting your telegram account? Say yes. congratulation. By this way your telegram account will be delete.

Delete Account
Delete Account

And now Telegram will leave you with a green message below, but it will require you to return to the telegram’s warm embrace early and do not leave the telegram too much.

This will remove your telegram account, delete your profile photo for your contacts, and change your name to a deleted account. Finish …

Remove Account
Remove Account

Some tips about Delete Account Telegram

If you remove your telegram account more than three times in a short period , such as a few days, your so-called number is flooded and you cannot sign up for the telegram for up to three weeks.

If you have been sent a delete account message unintentionally, ignore it; someone may have mistakenly entered your mobile number or want to delete your account!