How to build telegram bot: It’s Very Simple

Telegram robots have been able to prove their competence and their place among individuals and businesses . Many people think that they need to learn programming to create telegram bot. But in this tutorial, we are going to explain the simplest way to teach telegram bot without coding.

Telegram robot facility

First, let’s see what the robot can do. You can build a telegram bot with the following capabilities: 

  • Has the ability to build professional keys
  • Able to send sticker photos and files randomly
  • Able to fit within groups
  • Ability to send welcome text in groups
  • It can greet people when they join a group.
  • With this bot, you can send group messages to your robot members.
  • You can post to groups where your bot is.
  • You can see the stats of this bot.

Learn how to create telegram bot

To build telegram bot, you first need to go to the father robot and pick a name and a username inside the bot. Note that you can change the selected name later, but you can’t change the username. You can type Botfather in the search bar from inside the telegram or click on the following link:

BotFather Link

By doing so, go to the botfather. Now in this section, press start or type /start and send. 

You will be sent a message with many options:

/newbot – create a new bot

/token – generate an authorization token

/revoke – revoke bot access token

/setname – change a bot’s name

/setdescription – change bot description

/setabouttext – change bot about info

/setuserpic – change bot profile photo

/setcommands – change bot commands list

/setjoingroups – can your bot be added to groups?

/setprivacy – what messages does your bot see in groups?

/deletebot – delete a bot

/cancel – cancel the current operation

Then enter the /newbot option to create telegram bot and then pick a name for your bot. Then select a user for your robot and notice that at the end of your robot name you must have the word bot.

After this, the robot will send you a token message and your robot is created. You can then create other features and settings for your bot according to the options.